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COA Meeting start date 25/09/2024
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Egyptian authorities require halal certification for imports of meat, poultry and dairy. The text of this requirement was recently changed from ‘certification from a recognized certifier at the export country’ to ‘certification under supervision of IS EG Halal Egypt’ which is a state company based in Egypt, not in export countries. Upon inquiry, Egypt advised to adhere strictly to the instructions of the named company in Egypt. This caused confusion as in some cases (not yet in Europe) IS EG Halal Egypt instructs exporters to contact halal certifiers in export countries not recognized by Egypt, resulting in a halal certification that may not be accepted upon arrival of shipment.  

Furthermore, a recent Egyptian Customs circular (no. 17/2024) required halal certification for all imports of goods of animal origin without excluding dairy, in conflict with Egypt’s notification to the WTO excluding dairy until the end of 2024.

The European Union would like to express concerns with regard to the requirements on Halal certification as of 1 October 2021 based on the Egyptian Halal standard 4249/2014 and also would like to receive information on the latest development as regards the Halal certification in Egypt.

As regards dairy products, the corresponding waiver was extended several times, most recently until 31 December 2024, by the Addendum 7 to the relevant notification. We would like to appreciate Egypt’s considerable level of flexibility, which is very helpful to economic operators.  At the same time, we would be grateful for information about future plans of Egypt as regards this waiver for dairy.

a. Could Egypt provide information regarding the Customs Circular no. 17/2024 which requires halal certification for all imports of goods of animal origin? As this Circular did not, confusingly, exclude dairy, the EU would appreciate information on the relation between this Customs Circular and the corresponding waiver for dairy products.


As regards the Decision No. 1 of 2023 of the General Organization for Veterinary Services (GOVS) on the Regulating Procedures for Registration of companies granting international conformity certificates for Halal food, the EU appreciates its notification to the WTO in March 2024.

Nevertheless, some of criteria this Decision imposes on conformity assessment bodies seem to be excessive or even discriminatory, such as the requirement to be registered at least in seven different countries, mandatory address in Egypt, or monthly reporting on certified food facilities.

b. Could Egypt provide information on fees for registration with GOVS and what the timetable is for the launch of the registration? In this respect, could Egypt indicate how many foreign conformity assessment bodies have already applied and/or been registered in line with the Decision No.1 /2023?

In respect to the latest developments of the matter, it seems that the GOVS Decision No.1/2023 has recently been adjusted to provide more powers to the company IS EG Halal Egypt. This company is now supposed to become the entity to supervise certifications by foreign Halal conformity assessment bodies.

c. Can Egypt confirm these changes of the said Decision No.1/2023 and explain what this means in practice? Is the IS EG Halal Egypt to become the single certification or accreditation body for foreign exporters?

The EU would like to remind that the Decision No.1/2023 previously did not attribute any role to this company. It is important to highlight that such a step would inevitably lead to less transparency in Halal certification, and most probably also to serious trade disruptions, not mentioning effects on the legal certainty for economic operators.

d. Could Egypt provide comprehensive and publicly available guidance to stakeholders, including the list of products to be Halal certified, detailed description of the certification procedure, its duration, costs, and required documents, as well as the process for registration of suppliers?

Answer Full Text

In response to the comments and questions raised by the EU and Paraguay , Egypt would like to highlight the following points :

  • The timeline during which imports of milk and dairy products that are not accompanied by a Halal certificate are allowed to enter into Egypt has been extended until December 31, 2025 and notified to the TBT Committee in document G/TBT/N/EGY/313/Add.8.
  • The referred to Egyptian Customs Circular No. 17/2024, which requires halal certification for all imports of goods of animal origin, does not apply to dairy products. It addresses imports of meat, poultry and their products. It is evident that there is no confusion with respect to the implementation of this circular and the timeline extension notified in G/TBT/N/EGY/313/Add.7 ,  given the fact that imports of dairy products not accompanied by a halal certificate have not been denied entry since the issuance of this circular.
  • GOVS Decision No.1/2023 has not been modified since its notification in document G/TBT/N/EGY/450 and hence concerns over adding any roles to IS EG Halal Egypt are not valid.
  • On the timetable for the launch of the registration, Halal Certification bodies have been welcome to approach GOVS since the issuance of the Decision No.1/2023 to start their approval and registration process. Information on the registration fees are available at GOVS.
  • On the request for a comprehensive and publically available guidance, Egypt is in the process of preparing the necessary technical regulation with respect to halal requirements for dairy products that comprises the product coverage; the role of the relevant entities involved including the halal certification bodies to be approved by the relevant authority. It is also important to stress that the referred to technical regulation shall allow for a transitional period between the issuance of the regulation and its entry into force to allow producers in exporting countries to duly adapt as per the provisions of the TBT agreement.
Follow-up comments
AGCD To Complete
Collapse Market accessMarket access
Collapse Tariff and other quotasTariff and other quotas
Transparency issues
Tariff quota fill
Product/tariff line coverage
Country-specific allocation
Allocation of licences to importing entities
Period of importation and licence validity
Other administration arrangements
ST Annex 5
Autonomous tariff quota access
Collapse SSGSSG
Transparency issues
Trigger calculations
Perishable and seasonal products
Other implementation issues
Link with TRQ commitments
Collapse Other import policiesOther import policies
Scheduled tariff commitments including tariff renegotiations
Import licensing
Import prohibitions and restrictions (including quantitative restrictions)
Minimum import/reference prices
State trading enterprises
Collapse Domestic supportDomestic support
Collapse Transparency issues (including Table DS:2)Transparency issues (including Table DS:2)
Transparency issues (including Table DS:2)
Collapse Annex 2 (Green Box)Annex 2 (Green Box)
General services: research
General services: pest and disease control
General services: training services
General services: extension and advisory services
General services: inspection services
General services: marketing and promotion services
General services: infrastructural services
General services: other
Public stockholding for food security purposes
Domestic food aid
Direct payments: decoupled income support
Direct payments: income insurance and income safety-net programmes
Direct payments: payments for relief from natural disasters
Direct payments: structural adjustment assistance provided through producer retirement programmes
Direct payments: structural adjustment assistance provided through resource retirement programmes
Direct payments: structural adjustment assistance provided through investment aids
Direct payments: payments under environmental programmes
Direct payments: payments under regional assistance programmes
Direct payments: other
Collapse Article 6.2 (Special and Differential Treatment / Development Programmes)Article 6.2 (Special and Differential Treatment / Development Programmes)
Investment subsidies generally available to agriculture
Input subsidies available to low-income or resource-poor producers
Support to encourage diversification from growing illicit narcotic crops
Collapse Article 6.5 (Blue Box)Article 6.5 (Blue Box)
Payments based on fixed areas or yields
Payments based on 85 per cent or less of the base level of production
Livestock payments made on a fixed number of head
Collapse Current Total AMS (Amber Box)Current Total AMS (Amber Box)
Scheduled commitment level
Constituent data and methodology (AGST)
Market price support
Market price support: Eligible production
Other product-specific AMS/EMS
Non-product-specific AMS
Negative support amounts
De minimis
Excessive rates of inflation
Collapse Classification of measuresClassification of measures
Classification of measures
Collapse Export competitionExport competition
Collapse Export subsidies subject to reduction commitments (Article 9.1)Export subsidies subject to reduction commitments (Article 9.1)
Transparency issues
Product coverage/scheduled commitments
Incorporated products
Special and differential treatment (Article 9.4)
Government involvement
Downstream flexibilities (Article 9.2)
Collapse Circumvention of commitmentsCircumvention of commitments
Unscheduled export subsidies
Export credits, export credit guarantees, insurance programmes
International food aid
State trading enterprises
Other measures with circumvention potential
Quantity of total exports
Collapse Export restrictions and prohibitionsExport restrictions and prohibitions
Collapse Transparency issuesTransparency issues
Timely notification
Special and differential treatment
Provision of information justifying the measure
Collapse Importing Members' food securityImporting Members' food security
Importing Members' food security
Collapse ConsultationsConsultations
Collapse Quantity and concessionality of food aidQuantity and concessionality of food aid
Quantity and concessionality of food aid
Collapse Other forms of assistanceOther forms of assistance
Other forms of assistance
Product Categories
All agricultural products
Collapse Live animalsLive animals
Sheep and goat
Collapse MeatMeat
Sheep and goat
Collapse DairyDairy
Milk powders
Collapse Other animal productsOther animal products
Hair, Shells, bones, etc.
hides and Skins
Collapse Fruit and VegetablesFruit and Vegetables
Fresh vegetables
Processed vegetables
Roots and tubers
Processed fruit or nuts
Fruit and vegetable beverages
Collapse Coffee, tea, spicesCoffee, tea, spices
Collapse CerealsCereals
Coarse grains
Collapse Starches, inulin, gumStarches, inulin, gum
Processed vegetables
Roots and tubers
Collapse Oil seeds, fats and oilsOil seeds, fats and oils
Vegetable oils and fats
Fats/Oils of animal origin
Other fats and oils
Collapse Residues of processing industryResidues of processing industry
Animal feed
Alcohol residues
Oilcakes and solid residues
Other residues
Collapse Plants and vegetal materialPlants and vegetal material
Live trees and plants
Cut flowers
Animal feed
Gums, saps and resins
Medicinal/perfumery plants
Collapse SugarSugar
Cane or beet sugar
Collapse CocoaCocoa
Cocoa beans/powder/butter
Collapse Food preparationsFood preparations
Collapse BeveragesBeverages
Collapse TobaccoTobacco
Cigars, Cigarettes
Essential oils, fatty acids and alcohols and other chemicals
Collapse FibresFibres
Collapse non-Annex 1 productsnon-Annex 1 products
non-Annex 1 products
Question Summary
Egypt's Halal Certification Requirements